Hummingbird nest!
We spent about 2 hours milling around on the back porch, take a look.

My boss emailed me this morning around 1am to say that I could give my dissertation to Frank and Matt (my commitee), so I finished formatting around 5am and went to bed. After oversleeping, I woke up at 9am and rushed to school with my luggage in the back of my car. I pulled up to a metered spot (that a colleague had just vacated) and there was 30 mins left on the meter. Sweet. I threw in another couple quarters and ran to lab with my ginormous suitcases. I printed one copy of my thesis, photocopied it, and threw them both in their mailboxes. Then I ran back out to my car because the meter had expired 5 mins earlier. As I started the car a parking enforcement office walked by to check the status of my parking meter, whew, barely made it out of there without a ticket! Drove home, biked back to the building, grabbed my suitcases and headed to the MU to catch the airport bus. Waited 5 mins, hopped on the bus and took it to the airport. Checking my bags, I see the bigger bag is 49lbs, 1 pound shy of having to pay extra for baggage being too big. Wow, today must be some kind of anti-Friday the 13th for me. Knock on wood, I still have one more plane flight then hopefully my 49lbs suitcase shows up with me, we'll see.
The plane landed fine, the suitcase showed up, and all is well. What a fast paced day!