Sunday, July 8, 2007

Day Hike around Yosemite

Nathan took several pictures on a day hike we took around Yosemite valley. We left from G&G's house and drove the 45 minutes necessary to get to the valley. The first photo is a picture (taken from the back of Nate and Cindy's Subaru) of one of the falls, I can't remember the name, there are so many.

The second photo is a picture of Bob Carter's slab poured the day before the photo was taken. He's building a house in the same neighborhood of G&G's house.

This next photo is a picture of Half Dome, taken from Nathan's camera.

Another half dome picture, you can't have too many of these. They make an average blog slightly above average. :)

This next photo is of all the hikers that day, Nate, Cindy, and Dr. Carter. :)

In this photo we can see Nathan has mastered the aim the camera, start the timer, make the run to the rest of the group, and wait for the flash to go off. We didn't set the camera on a level resting point,but everything else worked perfectly.

I can't even remember this falls name, but it requires a lot of stairs to get to the top.

Lastly, a photo of the smartest Carter on paper and his brother Nathan.

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